Being anxious or nervous before an up and coming interview is a natural faze that every job seeker will face, and is a side effect from caring about the outcome of the interview. Even those that are accomplished at attending interviews will be battling their own nerves and may struggle to control them. It is important however that candidates learn how to deal with such feelings in a manner that will not ruin their chances of securing a job by becoming overwhelmed by emotion.

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According to the latest statistics they are now over 1 billion enabled Google Plus accounts worldwide ( These accounts include both personal and business users, all sharing valuable connections and content. Therefore like the success of LinkedIn and the way it has united recruiters and job seekers alike, those in the market now need to think carefully about how Google Plus can help them to find a suitable job.

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According to one statistic from Be Hiring, "the average time that a recruiter spends looking at a CV is 5-7 seconds". With this in mind candidates need to have a CV that is written with the purposes of holding the attention of a hiring manager for more than this time. With the market place so competitive it is necessary for candidates to know that without having a well written and tailored CV then their chances of being selected for an interview are virtually nil.

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There are bound to be times when candidates apply for numerous jobs only to receive rejection letter after rejection letter. While for many this may be part and parcel of job hunting in general, for others it may be disheartening and may turn the process of job hunting into an uncomfortable and stressful experience.

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The question "So why do you want this job" remains a popular choice to ask candidates during an interview and is a great question designed to get you the candidate to think and respond in an appropriate manner. Its intention is to test not only your commitment to the job on offer but also to test exactly how much and what you know about the role in question and how you would be able to fit in with the culture and working practices of the company.

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